Object ID 003107
Object Name Gramophone Records (8)
Object Desc 78 Shellac Records. Columbia Records, Victor Records, and "His Master's Voice" Victor.
Collection General Collection
Accession # 0016.2636
Alternate ID
General Category Other Objects
Category Music & Entertainment
Source Jack Brook
Source Category Gift
Accession Date JUL 18,2016
Location St/Shed/Cabinet1049
Object Date
Start Year Range
End Year Range
Status On Exhibit
Object Keywords
Date JUL 26,2016
Notes Victor Record A- "Just a Friend of the Family" Eddie Morton with orchestra B- "You've Got to Love Me a Lot" Miss Jones and Mr. Spencer with orchestra Columbia Record ($0.65) "Marching Through Georgia" H. C. Work (sung by Stanley and HArlan) "The Passing of the Circus Parade" Talking Columbia Record ($0.85) Tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment. "My Wild Irish Rose" Chauncey Olcott Tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment "I Used to Believe in Faries" George Spink (sung by Chauncey Olcott) Victor Record A-"O Morning Land (Phelps)" Stanley & Macdonough with orchestra accompaniment B-"Gof Be With You Till We MeetAgain" (Christian Endeauor Hymn) Haydn Quartet "His Master's Voice" Victor ($1.00) For dancing with vocal chorus "Till We Meet Again" -Waltz. Nihcolas Orando's Orchestra For dancing "Beautiful Ohio"-Waltz. Astoria Dance Orchestra Columbia Record ($0.65) Contralto solo with chorus Orchstra Acconpaniment "So Long Mary" Geo. M. Cohan (sung by Carinne Morgan) "Mona" Tenor Solo Columbia Record ($0.65) "Where is my Wandering Boy To-Night" Tenor solo Baritone with orchestra Accompaniment "Abide with me (sacred)" W.H. Mank (sung by George Alexander)