Object ID 002416
Object Name Towel, CPR
Object Desc Given to Stuart Johnson's wife on their wedding day by the lady that made up the rooms (July 7 1954). The couple celebrated their 60th anniversary on July 7 2014. The towel was a reminder of the CPR hotel, the Royal Alexandria, in Winnipeg.
Collection General Collection
Accession # 2014.0904
Alternate ID
General Category Other Objects
Category Auto & Transportation
Source Stuart T. Johnson
Source Category Gift
Accession Date JUL 11,2014
Location St/WaitingRm/WWall
Object Date 1954
Start Year Range
End Year Range
Status On Exhibit
Object Keywords
Date AUG 3,2014
Summary Location change
Notes Location changed to St/WaitingRm/WWall from Temporary - automatic entry by admin
Date JUL 11,2014
Notes Items in the 2014.0900s were donated by Mr. Stuart T. Johnson who worked as a trainee in the Strathclair CPR station for three months in 1950. He stayed in one of the bedrooms upstairs. The agent at the time was Fred Harris.