Object ID 002351
Object Name Oldsmobile 1903
Object Desc One of the first horseless carriages made by the Oldsmobile company. Verner Snowden purchased the car in the 40’s and he and his wife Velma participated in many parades around the area.
Collection General Collection
Accession # 2013.6500
Alternate ID
General Category Other Objects
Category Auto & Transportation
Source Chris Martin
Source Category Loan
Accession Date SEP 16,2013
Credit/Acknowledgement Verner Snowden
Location Millman/Floor
Object Date 1903
Start Year Range
End Year Range
Status On Exhibit
Object Keywords
Date SEP 16,2013
Summary Status change
Notes Status changed to In Collection from Pending Display - automatic entry by admin
Date SEP 16,2013
Summary Location change
Notes Location changed to St/Shed/Floor from Temporary - automatic entry by admin
Date JUL 2,2014
Summary Status change
Notes Status changed to On Exhibit from In Collection - automatic entry by admin
Date JUL 16,2014
Summary Location change
Notes Location changed to Millman/Floor from St/Shed/Floor - automatic entry by admin
Date SEP 16,2013
Notes One of the first horseless carriages made by the Oldsmobile company. Verner Snowden purchased the car in the 40’s and he and his wife Velma participated in many parades around the area. The original wheels have been taken off (due to lack of being able to find replacement wheels for one) and other ones put on. It was common to see Vern pushing the car up hills, then jumping in to drive it down the hill. After Vern’s death, Velma put the car in the museum and their son-in-law Brian Martin drove it in parades. Following Velma’s death, the car is currently owned by Verner & Velma’s grandson, Chris Martin of Strathclair, and loaned to the museum for people to view.