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The Strathclair Museum Association
The Strathclair Museum Association
Strathclair Tax Roll 1889
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Object ID 000669

Object Name Strathclair Tax Roll 1889

Object Desc Scanned image of original tax roll showing names of rate payers and relevant land descriptions

Collection Archive Collection

Accession # 2012.0006

Alternate ID

General Category Documents

Category Doc: Land Record

Source RM Strathclair

Source Category Scanned Image

Accession Date JUN 23,2012


Location Data-base Scanned Document

Object Date 1889

Start Year Range

End Year Range

Status In Collection

Object Keywords


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Description Harrison Dr. W 1-16-21 Swalm Earnest E 2-16-21 McLean Robert W 2-16-21 McLeuuau (McLennan) Malcolm NE 3-16-21 Dalgarno Robert NE 4-16-21 Gamey Albert SE 4-16-21 Barnes Richard W 4-16-21 McDonald Thomas J NE 6-16-21 McTavish James & McTavish John NW 6-16-21 McAuley James SW 6-16-21 Partridge William S SE 6-16-21 Hudson’s Bay Co. E 8-16-21 Jackson E C G & May Harold M W 8-16-21 Bell James S 9-16-21 Lee Isabella SE 10-16-21 Green Robert L NE 10-16-21 Barnes Saul M W 10-16-21 Robertson Alex W NE 12-16-21 Robertson Alex Jr. SE 12-16-21 Rose John NW 12-16-21 Cassidy Edward SW 12-16-21 Lee Isabella W 13-16-21 Andrew John W 14-16-21 Haul Isaiah S 15-16-21 McBean Peter W 15-16-21

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Description McLeod John E 16-16-21 McDonald D C W 16-16-21 McIntyre Neil NE 17-16-21 Matheson J H W & SE 17-16-21 McMillan William 18-16-21 McKenzie Paul NW 19-16-21 Ross James SW 19-16-21 Ross Neil E 19-16-21 Tytlen Mrs. 20-16-21 Harrison Dr. NE 21-16-21, SE 21-16-21 Hearn James NW 21-16-21 McCallum Daniel NE 22-16-21 Harrison Dr. NW 22-16-21 MacBean Peter S 22-16-21 Lee Matthew E 23-16-21 Lee Isabella E 24-16-21 Lee George W 24-16-21 Routledge Thos. 25-16-21 Lee Isabella NE 26-16-21 Routledge Thos. NW 26-16-21, S 26-16-21, 27-16-21, 28-16-21 Blackwell Alfred SW 30-16-21 McLeod R C SE 30-16-21 Bacon Elijah NW 31-16-21

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Description Bacon Robert SW 31-16-21 McKenzie R N 32-16-21 Schultz Mrs. S 32-16-21 Routledge Thos. 33-16-21, 34-16-21, 35-16-21 Pirrie (Pirie) Richard E 36-16-21

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Description Norquay Alex NE 2-16-22 Wright F S NE 2-16-22 Hogarth Robert NW 2-16-22 Brisebois (Brisbois) E A NW 3-16-22 Peace Stephen N 4-16-22 Hogarth Robert SE 4-16-22 Thistle R W SW 5-16-22 Bull George E 6-16-22 Marshall Allan W 6-16-22 Aikins J A M E 7-16-22 Culver Henry W 7-16-22 Hudson’s Bay Co. 8-16-22 Brisebois (Brisbois) E A SE 9-16-22 Winks George NW 9-16-22 Parker Robert E 10-16-22 Sherriff W J W 10-16-22 Stevenson W W SE 12-16-22

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Description Norquay Alex & Wright F S SW 12-16-22 Craig Robert NE 12-16-22 Craig John NW 12-16-22 Harrison Dr. N 13-16-22 Baldrow Abraham W 14-16-22 Dickieson Thomas E 14-16-22 Montgomery J F NE 15-16-22 Brisbois E A W 15-16-22 MacKay (McKay) William S 16-16-22 MacKay (McKay) George N 16-16-22 Crerar John N 17-16-22 Hunter William E 18-16-22 Hunter Jane NW 18-16-22 Roberts Hugh SW 18-16-22 Roberts Henry E 20-16-22 McPherson James SW 20-16-22 Anderson James NW 20-16-22 Harrison Dr. 21-16-22 Johnston W P S 22-16-22 Johnston George N 22-16-22 Harrison Mrs. Dr. W 23-16-22 Flett John E 23-16-22 Flett Mrs. John E 24-16-22 Campbell James W 24-16-22

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Description Andrew John E 25-16-22 Campbell Ephraim W 25-16-22 Bryce John H NE 26-16-22 Hudson’s Bay Co. S & NW 26-16-22 MacKay (McKay) John N 28-16-22 Sutherland A R SW 28-16-22 Christie Clark W 30-16-22 Reed Joseph SE 30-16-22 Morrison Malcolm E 32-16-22 McKay Alexander W 32-16-22 Geekie Charles NE 33-16-22 Gray Colonel S & NW 32-16-22 Geekie William NE 34-16-22 Lucis Frank S 34-16-22

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Description Brydon Alex Lot 1, 23 SE 35-16-22 Morrison Neil Lot 9 SE 35-16-22 Sutherland Alex R Lot 5 SE 35-16-22 Roberts Henry Lot 6 SE 35-16-22 McInnes Wm. L & Irwin Alex G Lot 7 SE 35-16-22 McDowell James Lot 8 SE 35-16-22 Moore Walter B Lot 9 SE 35-16-22 Sinclair R D SE 35-16-22 Hodgins John E 36-16-22 Spurway William N 36-16-22

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Description Turner Daniel N 2-17-22 Burnell Edward S 2-17-22 McGregor John N 3-17-22 McEwen Hugh S 3-17-22 Kippen Archie NE & W 4-17-22 Dier Joseph N 6-17-22 Kennedy John S 6-17-22, E 7-17-22 Hudson’s Bay Co. 8-17-22 Hopper John N 10-17-22 McEwen Peter Sr. SE & SW 10-17-22 McKerchar Donald & Farquhar N 12-17-22 Morrison Neil SE 12-17-22 McLeod Donald SW 12-17-22 Sinclair Alexander N 12-17-22 McEwen Peter Jr. S 14-17-22 Baldrow James Ne 15-17-22 McEwen Peter Sr. SE 15-17-22 Baldrow Aaron W 15-17-22

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Description McBain Donald S 16-17-22 McBain Angus N 16-17-22 Brown John NE 17-17-22 Nixon Bessie NW 17-17-22 Hogg David SW 17-17-22, SE 18-17-22 Smith John SW 18-17-22 Nixon John N 18-17-22 Cameron John M N 19-17-22 Cameron Peter C S 19-17-22 Brown John E 20-17-22 Nixon Bessie W 20-17-22 Jack William & Jack James SW & N 21-17-22 Miller Frank SE 21-17-22 Ross John H SW & N 22-17-22 Baldrow James SE 22-17-22 Kippen Alex E 24-17-22 McTavish Peter NW 24-17-22 Sinclair Edward SW 24-17-22 Fraser William W 25-17-22 Sinclair Dr. E 25-17-22

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Description Whimster W H & Kayll Henry E Mill property NE 25-17-22 Kayll Mrs. H E Lot 8 NE 25-17-22 Dier Joseph Lot 6, 7 NE 25-17-22 Whimster Mrs. W H Lot 9, 10, 11 NE 25-17-22 Kayll Henry E Lot 1, 2 NE 25-17-22 Kayll Mrs. H E Lot 13, 14, 15 NE 25-17-22 Sinclair Duncan Lot 61, 62 NE 25-17-22 Caldwell Estate Lot 19 NE 25-17-22 Flett Rev. George Lot 30, 31, 36, 37 NE 25-17-22

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Description Fraser William NE 16-17-22 Bell James SE 26-17-22 Hudson Bay Co. W 26-17-22 MacGregor Peter E 27-17-22 Underhill John NW 27-17-22 Hogg John SW 27-17-22 Underhill John E 28-17-22 Campbell Arch’d W 28-17-22 McEwen Donald 30-17-22 Fairservice William 31-17-22 McKerchar Donald & Alex N 32-17-22 McGregor Alex S 32-17-22 Brydon Alex E 33-17-22 Fairservice William W 33-17-22 Rose John E 34-17-22 Geekie John M M E 35-17-22 Campbell Neil W 35-17-22 Geekie Charles 36-17-22

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Description Routledge Thomas 1-17-21 McLean Thomas NE 2-17-21 Harrison Dr. S 3-17-21 McLean Thomas N 3-17-21 Routledge Thomas 4-17-21 Leeson Robert S 5-17-21 Foster John & Stiles John E 6-17-21 McFadyen Peter SW 6-17-21 Morrison John NW 6-17-21 Morrison Alex NE 7-17-21 Morrison Peter NW 7-17-21 McKerchar Farquhar, Donald, Alex S 7-17-21 Hudson’s Bay Co. 8-17-21 Burke F F S 9-17-21 Routledge Thomas N 9-17-21 McLean Thomas S 10-17-21 McLean Peter N 10-17-21 Routledge Thomas 12-17-21 Lee Mrs. Isabella S 13-17-21 McNulty Patrick 14-17-21 McLean Arch’d E 16-17-21

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Description McLean Thomas SW 17-17-21 Sinclair Duncan N & SW 19-17-21 Jackson E C Gosset SW 20-17-21, NW 20-17-21 May H W E 20-17-21 Forsyth Jas. Sr. E 21-17-21 Wilson John B & Wilson John L S 22-17-21 Haacke Arthur NW 22-17-21 Foster Robert E 24-17-21 Foster John SW 24-17-21 Hudson’s Bay Co. NW & S 26-17-21 Little David NE 27-17-21 Forsyth Alexander NE 28-17-21 Forsyth James Sr. SE 28-17-21 Forsyth James Jr. W 28-17-21 Sinclair Duncan SW & N 30-17-21 Jackson E C G SE 30-17-21 Sinclair Alexander W & NE 31-17-21

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Description Geekie Charles NE 31-17-21 Sinclair Duncan W 31-17-21 McLean Arch’d N 32-17-21 McDowell James S 32-17-21 McNabb Thomas NE 34-17-21 McMurachy John NW 34-17-21 Haacke Stanley SW 34-17-21

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Description Crawford William W 2-18-21 McKinnon Donald E 4-18-21 McDonald Arch’d N 5-18-21 Geekie Charles S 6-18-21 McDonald J H S 17-18-21 Hudson’s Bay Co. 8-18-21 McDonald J A Lot 164, 167 NE 8-18-21 Hudson’s Bay Co. Lot 27, 98, 145, 144, 17, 18 ,19, 20, 247 NE 8-18-21 Iredale Thomas Lot 129, 128, 130 NE 8-18-21 Flett Rev. George Lot 240, 241 NE 8-18-21 Lucas George Lot 242, 138, 139 NE 8-18-21

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Description Geekie Charles SE 9-18-21 Flett Rev. George W 9-18-21 Robb James SE 10-18-21 Muir Mrs. Agnes NE 10-18-21 Kinnis Clement NE 14-18-21 Jackson George NW 14-18-21 Murray David S 14-18-21 Hudson’s Bay Co. S & NW 26-18-21 Campbell Robert 34-18-21 Sinclair Duncan SW & SE 35-18-21

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Description Tully John P E 1-18-22 Campbell Arch’d SE 4-18-22 Williamson Joseph NE 4-18-22 Reed Joseph & Reed John M E 6-18-22 Reed Margaret SW 6-18-22 Menzies Daniel NW 6-18-22 Hudson’s Bay Co. 8 -18-22 Bryce Robert S 9-18-22 Bryce William E 10-18-22 Harrower William W 10-18-22 Crawford John SW 12-18-22 Wilson Thomas E 12-18-22 Morton H T S 13-18-22 Morton Robert N 13-18-22 Geekie John M M SE 14-18-22, NE 12-18-22 Morton H T NE 14-18-22 Harrower James E 15-18-22

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Description Harrower James E 18-18-22 Tully William R E 20-18-22 Brandon Mrs. E W 20-18-22 McKay Rev. John S & NE 24-18-22 Hudson’s Bay Co. S & NW 26-18-22 Brandon J L E 30-18-22 Parsons Wm. NW 30-18-22




