Object ID 000664
Object Name Strathclair Tax Roll 1885
Object Desc Scanned image of original tax roll showing names of rate payers and relevant land descriptions
Collection Archive Collection
Accession # 2012.0002
Alternate ID
General Category Documents
Category Doc: Land Record
Source RM Strathclair
Source Category Scanned Image
Accession Date JUN 16,2012
Location Data-base Scanned Document
Object Date 1885
Start Year Range
End Year Range
Status In Collection
Object Keywords
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Description Andrew Elizabeth W 4-16-21, Andrew John W 14-16-21, Bell James S 9-16-21, Bryce Margaret SW 30-16-21, Bacon Isaac E 31-16-21, Bacon Elijah W 31-16-21, Beddome Arthur N 36-16-21, Beddome John S 36-16-21, Craig Hugh W 10-16-21, Craig John S 20-16-21, Lord Elphinstone 25-16-21, NW 26-16-21, S 26-16-21, 27-16-21, 28-16-21, 33-16-21, 34-16-21, 35-16-21, Fanning Albert SE 13-16-21, Fanning Jos. E 14-16-21, Gamey Albert E 4-16-21, Green Robert L NE 10-16-21, Harrison Catherine W 1-16-21, SE 21-16-21
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Description Harrison David H NE 21-16-21, NW 22-16-21, Hall Isaiah S 15-16-21, Hearn James SW 21-16-21, Jackson E C Gosset NE 8-16-21, W 8-16-21, Lee Mrs. Robert SE 10-16-21, Lee Matthew E 23-16-21, Lee Isabella E 24-16-21, Lee George W 24-16-21, Little David N 30-16-21, May H SE 8-16-21, Matheson John H S 17-16-21, NW 17-16-21, Munro Hugh N 32-16-21, McLean Robert W 2-16-21, McLennan Malcolm NE 3-16-21, McDonald Thomas NE 6-16-21, McDonald D C W 16-16-21, McAuley James S 6-16-21, McBain Peter N 15-16-21, S 22-16-21, McLeod John D E 16-16-21, McLeod R C SE 30-16-21, McMillan William 18-16-21, McKenzie Paul SE 19-16-21, NW 19-16-21, McCullum Rev. D NE 22-16-21
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Description Oakley John NW 6-16-21, Robertson A W E 12-16-21, Ross Donald NE 19-16-21, Ross James SW 19-16-21, Rose John NW 12-16-21, Swalm E E 2-16-21, Schultz Mrs. A S 32-16-21, Lytler Martha C N 20-16-21, McIntyre Neil NE 17-16-21
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Description Aikins & Hamilton NE 7-16-22, Aikins J A M SE 7-16-22, Andrew John E 25-16-22, Butchart Peter SE 2-16-22, Brisbois E A NW 3-16-22, SE 9-16-22, W 15-16-22, Bull George E 6-16-22, Baldrow Abraham W 14-16-22, Bryce John H NE 26-16-22, Culver A H W 7-16-22, Craig John N 12-16-22, Campbell James W 24-16-22, Campbell Eph. W 25-16-22, Christie Clark W 30-16-22, Caldwell Louis NE 30-16-22, Dickieson Thomas E 14-16-22, Flett John E 23-16-22, Griffith Andrew - S 2-16-22, Gardiner M NE 3-16-22, NE 9-16-22, Gray Mrs. Mary E 24-16-22, Geekie Charles NE 33-16-22, Geekie William N 34-16-22, Geekie Stuart S 34-16-22
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Description Hogarth F S 4-16-22, Harrison Mrs. Cath. N 13-16-22, W 23-16-22, Harrison D H 21-16-22, Hunter William E 18-16-22, Hunter Mrs. Jane NW 18-16-22, Hudson Bay Company SE 26-16-22, W 26-16-22, Hodgins John E 36-16-22, Jermyn James SW 3-16-22, E 5-16-22, SE 17-16-22, Johnstone W P S 22-16-22, Johnstone George- N 22-16-22, Jackson George S 28-16-22, Kenning R H SW 9-16-22, SW 17-16-22, Marshall Allan W 6-16-22, Montgomery L J NE 15-16-22, Morrison Malcolm E 32-16-22, McInnes Margaret 8-16-22, McKay William S 16-16-22, McKay George N 16-16-22, McKay John N 28-16-22, McKay Alex W 32-16-22, McPherson James - W 20-16-22
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Description Peace Stephen N 4-16-22, Parker Robert E 10-16-22, Roberts Hugh SW 18-16-22, Roberts Henry E 20-16-22, Reed Joseph SE 30-16-22, Sully George N 2-16-22, Sherriff Wm. L W 10-16-22, Stevenson W W SE 12-16-22, Smith Henry SW 12-16-22, Scott Margaret D N 17-16-22, Spurway Wm. W 36-16-22, Thistle R SW 5-16-22, Winks George NW 9-16-22, Wilson Magnus SE 2-16-22
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Description Burnell Edward S 2-17-22, Biggs Sam C SE 4-17-22, SE 13-17-22, Biggs C E - SW 13-17-22, Baldrow James - NE 15-17-22, SE 22-17-22, Baldrow Aaron W 15-17-22, Brown John NE 17-17-22, E 20-17-22, Brown Robert NW 17-17-22, W 20-17-22, Bell James SE 26-17-22, Butchart D S 6-17-22, Cameron John M N 19-17-22, Cameron Peter C S 19-17-22, Caldwell Estate Lot 19 25-17-22, Campbell John W 28-17-22, Campbell Neil W 35-17-22, Dier Joseph N 6-17-22, Dier W R E Lot 6 & 7 25-17-22, NE 25-17-22, Fraser William W 25-17-22, NE 26-17-22, Flett Rev. George Lot 30, 31, 36, 37 25-17-22, Fairservice William 31-17-22, W 33-17-22
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Description Geekie John M M E 35-17-22 Geekie Charles 36-17-22 Hudsons Bay Co. 8-17-22, W 26-17-22 Hopper John N 10-17-22 Hogg David SW 17-17-22, SE 18-17-22 Hogg John SW 27-17-22 Jack William N 21-17-22, SW 21-17-22 Kippen Archd W 4-17-22, NE 4-17-22 Kippen David SE 15-17-22 Kippen Alex E 24-17-22 Kennedy John E 7-17-22 Kayll Mrs. Lot 13,14,15 25-17-22 Kayll Henry E Lot 1, 2, 8 25-17-22 Morrison Neil SE 12-17-22 Miller Frank SE 21-17-22 Menzies John E S 32-17-22 McGregor John N 3-17-22 McGregor Peter E 27-17-22 McEwen Hugh D S 3-17-22 McEwen William SE 10-17-22 McEwen Peter SW 10-17-22 McEwen Mary C S 14-17-22
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Description McEwen Donald 30-17-22 McKerchar Hugh N 12-17-22 McLeod Donald SW 12-17-22 McBain Donald S 16-17-22 McBain Angus N 16-17-22 McTavish William NW 24-17-22 McPhadden Hugh NW 27-17-22 McLaurin Peter E 28-17-22 McKerchar Donald N 32-17-22 Nixon John N 18-17-22 Ross John H N 22-17-22, SW 22-17-22 Robb Andrew E 33-17-22 Rose Alex W 34-17-22 Rose John E 34-17-22 Sinclair Alex N 16-17-22 Sinclair J Bruce N 14-17-22 Sinclair John SW 24-17-22 Sinclair John Lot 59, 60 25-17-22 Smith John SW 18-17-22 Sinclair Duncan Lot 61, 62, 25-17-22 Turner Daniel H N 2-17-22 Towner George E 25-17-22 Whimster & Kayll NE 25-17-22 Whimster Mrs. Lot 9, 10, 11, 25-17-22 Whimster Mrs. NE 25-17-22
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Description Bannerman William S 2-17-21, NW 2-17-21 Bannerman Jane NW 5-17-21 Bannerman Nancy SE 17-17-21 Bannerman Alex 18-17-21 Bannerman H M SE 19-17-21 Carter John E 6-17-21 Dier W R E NE 30-17-21, NW 30-17-21 Lord Elphinstone 1-17-21, 4-17-21, 9-17-21, 12-17-21 Forsyth James Sr. W 16-17-21, SE 28-17-21 Forsyth Alex NE 28-17-21 Forsyth James Sr. W 28-17-21 Foster Robert E 24-17-21 Geekie Charles E 31-17-21 Harrison D H S 3-17-21, 14-17-21 Harrison Cath. E 21-17-21 Huston John NE 20-17-21 Haacke Arthur NW 22-17-21 Hudsons Bay Co. S 26-17-21, NW 26-17-21
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Description Season Robert S 5-17-21 Little David NE 27-17-21 Morrison John NW 6-17-21 Morrison Peter SW 6-17-21, NW 7-17-21 Morrison Alex NE 7-17-21 Morrison Neil NE 22-17-21 McLean Thomas NE 2-17-21, N 3-17-21, S 10-17-21, SW 17-17-21 McLean Peter N 10-17-21 McLean Archd E 16-17-21, N 32-17-21 McKerchar Alex, Farquhar, Donald S 7-17-21 McDougall R W 8-17-21 McArthur Alex S 15-17-21, SE 34-17-21 McArthur Duncan NE 26-17-21 McDowell James S 32-17-21 Roberts Edward N 17-17-21 Sinclair Edward S 20-17-21 Sinclair Donald NW 20-17-22 Sinclair Alex NE 21-17-21
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Description Sinclair Duncan N 19-17-21, SW 19-17-21, S 30-17-21, NW 30-17-21, NW 31-17-21, SW 31-17-21 Wilson John S 22-17-21
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Description Armit David SW 5-18-21 Hudsons Bay Co. Lot 20, 17, 18, 19, 27, 145, 167, 164, 247, 98, -18-21 Archibald Helen SE 35-18-21, SW 35-18-21 Audy I C Lot 138, 139 Crawford William W 2-18-21, Lot 115 Campbell Robert 34-18-21 Flett Rev. George Lot 240, 241, 239 Fraser John SE 5-18-21 Geekie Charles E 4-18-21, S 6-18-21 Geekie William SE 9-18-21 Iredale T Lot 129, 130, 128 Johnstone Mrs. NW 14-18-21
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Description Kinnes Clement NE 14-18-21 Lucas George S 7-18-21, Lot 242 Matheson Catherine NW 4-18-21 Matheson Rev. S P SE 18-18-21, W 18-18-21 MEnzie John E Lot 102 Murray David S 14-18-21 McDonald Archd N 5-18-21 McKenzie Jane N 6-18-21 McKay Mrs. Janet SW 17-18-21 McArthur Alex NE 18-18-21 Presbyterian Mission W 9-18-21 Hudsons Bay Co. 8-18-21, NW 26-18-21, S 26-18-21 Robb John SW 10-18-21
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Description Armstrong G NE 3-18-22 Bryce Robert S 9-18-22 Bryce William E 10-18-22 Brine E W S 16-18-22, SE 36-18-22 Brandon Elizabeth W 20-18-22 Brandon John E 30-18-22 Polson Samuel SE 3-18-22 Smith W W SW 3-18-22 Campbell Archd SE 4-18-22 Fraser John NW 1-18-22 A G McKenzie SW 1-18-22, NW 1-18-22 Fraser Hugh D NW 2-18-22 Fairservice James SW 5-18-22 Famaux R SW 30-18-22 Geekie John M M SE 14-18-22 Hopper I SW 6-18-22 Hopper D A NW 8-18-22 Hudsons Bay Co. NE 8-18-22, SW 8-18-22, S 26-18-22, NW 26-18-22 Hewitt Noah SE 8-18-22 Harrower William W 10-18-22 Harrower Andrew E 15-18-22 Harrower James E 18-18-22 Harrower John E 20-18-22
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Description Lauder Mrs. I A NW 15-18-22, N 16-18-22, 21-18-22, W 22-18-22, SE 22-18-22, Munroe Marrian NE 7-18-22 Munroe Barbara SE 7-18-22 Munroe George F NW 7-18-22 Munroe John SW 7-18-22 Morton Henry S 13-18-22, NE 14-18-22 Morton Robert N 13-18-22 McKenzie Mrs. A W 2-18-22, SE 2-18-22 McArthur Duncan N 5-18-22 McDonald Murdoch NW 14-18-22 McDonald W SW 14-18-22 McKay Rev. John S 24-18-22 Parsons William NW 30-18-22 Reed John M M E 6-18-22 Sutherland I NW 4-18-22 Sutherland R R SW 4-18-22 Tully I P E 1-18-22 Willson (Wilson) William W 12-18-22 Willson (Wilson) Thomas E 12-18-22 Williamson Joseph NE 4-18-22